Lymington River Scow Class Association
Representing interests of LR Scow owners and promoting the Class
News & Upcoming Events

Latest Newsletter

The publishing of the Newsletter has restarted.  

The latest edition can be found here.

Click on the Newsletters link above for previous editions.

Travellers Trophy 2024

The Travellers Trophy will take place over three legs over the season as listed below.





Saturday 22nd June



Sunday 18th August

KYC (2 races)


Sunday 1st September

RLymYC (Figure of 8)



Click here for race documents and results.

Championships 2024

The Royal Lymington Yacht Club is delighted to be welcoming our Lymington River Scows back to the Club from 7th to 8th September for the annual Championships. 

The Notice of Race for this event has been published on the RLymYC website and can be consulted here:

This provides details of how to enter, the entry form and how to access the event messaging system.

The Sailing Instructions will be published nearer the time of the event.  

Entrants from all Clubs are strongly encouraged.  For those interested in hiring or borrowing boats, please contact the LRSCA Secretary who can provide further details.

A busy time for our Association and we very much hope to see as many entrants as possible.

AGM 2024

The 2024 AGM will take place on 14th September at the RLymYC.

Click here for AGM Documents and a Proxy Voting form.
(Depending on your computer PDF document capabilities, you should be able to fill 
the proxy form in otherwise you may need to print it out to complete it by hand)

Construction Materials Specification  **NEW**
The Technical Group have produced and published a Construction Materials Specification.  Click here to view.

Carbon Fibre Gaff
Until the rules are published, a dispensation is needed for use of the new carbon fibre yards (gaff).  This can be viewed here.



New government regulations known as GDPR came into force on 25th May 2018.  Please see our 
Data Privacy Policy which describes how we store and use your data.  If you are not receiving correspondence then you may not have given your agreement.  Please email:

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                                                                                                        Last Updated 25/08/2024