Lymington River Scow Class Association
Representing interests of LR Scow owners and promoting the Class

2014 National Championships

28th/29th June

A big thank you to Keyhaven Yacht Club for hosting our Annual Championships. Conditions were exhilarating on Saturday and calm on Sunday making it challenging for the competitors on both days.


On Saturday the 35 boats enjoyed a SW wind touching Force 5 over the ebb tide which produced three exciting races with waves which surprised some of the visitors more familiar with estuary sailing. 


On Sunday the wind had dropped to a whisper from the North and race officer, Colin Dunford was challenged to arrange just one race. This time particularly it was those with local knowledge who best managed the ebb tide. 


The Single Handers National Title as well as best newcomer went to Ian Sanderson with Eric Williams in second place.


The Double Handers National Title was won by Catherine Maguire and Nicole Putt with Midori and Robert Claridge as runners up.


Henry Marsh and George Bridge won the Junior National Title ahead of William Heathcote and Inigo Rogers in second.


The Single Handed Masters Trophy (for competitors over 70) was won by Ian Curtis and the Double Handed Master won by John Turner and Marigold de Jongh.


Thanks to John Turner for writing the report which also went to the Lymington Times.

Results as of 16:14 on June 29, 2014

Scow Fleet

Sailed: 4, Discards: 0, To count: 4, Rating system: PY, Entries: 17, Scoring system: Appendix A
RankFleetBoatClassSailNoHelmNameCrewNamePYSN Race 1SN Race 2SN Race3SN Race 4TotalNett
        28th June 1428th June 1428th June 201429th June 14  
1stScowElizaL R Scow441SANDERSON Ian *N* 14851.
2ndScowAnnaL R Scow472WILLIAMS Eric 14852.
3rdScowBaubleL R Scow375CURTIS Ian *M* 14857.
4thScowSea MouseL R Scow378YOUNG James *N* 14856.
5thScowWAGTAILL R Scow527HARVEY John 14854.
6thScowSecond WindL R Scow475GRISLEY Cy 14853.
7thScowMarianL R Scow340STREDWICK Gordon 14855.
8thScowDaffy DuckL R Scow318PITT-PITTS Jane *M* 14858.08.018.0 DNC2.036.036.0
9thScowZephyrusL R Scow512CARSLAW David *M* 148510.
10thScowOwlL R Scow278GOSSAGE Philip 14859.
11thScowBahiniL R Scow264LOWIS Joanna *M* 148513.010.018.0 DNC12.053.053.0
12thScowMerhabaL R Scow500BARNETT David *M* *N* 148515.
13thScowGroovyL R Scow462REDFERN Mike *N* 148511.012.018.0 DNF14.055.055.0
14thScowBlue AngelL R Scow373WATSON Jon *N* 148512.013.018.0 DNC13.056.056.0
15thScowScorchinL R Scow489EVANS John *M* 148514.018.0 DNF18.0 DNC11.061.061.0
16thScowNightjarL R Scow309GARLICK Roger 148518.0 DNC18.0 DNC18.0 DNC8.062.062.0
17thScowPickleL R Scow423HOLLAND Eddie 148518.0 DNC18.0 DNC18.0 DNC18.0 DNC72.072.0

Scow Double Fleet

Sailed: 4, Discards: 0, To count: 4, Rating system: PY, Entries: 14, Scoring system: Appendix A
RankFleetBoatClassSailNoHelmNameCrewNamePYSN Race 1SN Race 2SN Race3SN Race 4TotalNett
        28th June 1428th June 1428th June 201429th June 14  
1stScow DoubleSplintersL R Scow433MAGUIRE CatherinePUTT Nicole14851.
2ndScow DoubleKappaL R Scow531CLARIDGE Midori *N*CLARIDGE Robert14852.
3rdScow DoubleWizardL R Scow314PATON RoryPATON Alex14853.
4thScow DoubleWild RoseL R Scow532THORNE Karl *N*DRISCOLL Caroline14854.
5thScow DoubleMartineauL R Scow298BISHOP BobBRACE Val14855. DNC29.029.0
6thScow DoubleKrillL R Scow513BLICK PeterHUSBAND Ali14856.
7thScow DoubleNorthern DipperL R Scow344DAVIDSON ZizzaDENT Penny148512.
8thScow DoubleSpindriftL R Scow339BOYD StephenBOYD Lesley14857.
9thScow DoubleAnnieL R Scow432TURNER John *M*DE JONGH Marigold14858.
10thScow DoubleRiadaL R Scow351BUCKINGHAM Brian *M*LAMBERT Leslyn14859.
11thScow DoubleBocca LupoL R Scow335HOWDEN CarolynHOWDEN David148510.
12thScow DoubleFlying TurtleL R Scow321WILLARD ChrisWILLARD Jane148511.
13thScow DoubleSkyL R Scow420BURCHELL JayneBURCHELL Peter148515.0 DNC15.0 DNC15.0 DNC9.054.054.0
14thScow DoubleBirthday GirlL R Scow461BRIDGE ClaireTHOMAS Kay148515.0 DNF11.013.015.0 DNC54.054.0

Scow Junior Fleet

Sailed: 4, Discards: 0, To count: 4, Rating system: PY, Entries: 5, Scoring system: Appendix A
RankFleetBoatClassSailNoHelmNameCrewNamePYSN Race 1SN Race 2SN Race3SN Race 4TotalNett
        28th June 1428th June 1428th June 201429th June 14  
1stScow JuniorThank HavensL R Scow484MARSH HenryBRIDGE George14851.
2ndScow JuniorStairway to HavenL R Scow458HEATHCOTE WilliamROGERS Inigo14854.
3rdScow JuniorSeventh HavenL R Scow467ROGERS JonahCOX Edward14853.
4thScow JuniorStormy HavenL R Scow427FOURNIER JonathanBRADFORD Finn14852.
5thScow JuniorSafe HavenL R Scow403HEATHCOTE HenryROGERS Rex / Kai14855.04.06.0 DNC6.0 DNC21.021.0